Monday, December 2, 2013

Czech out Prague

Flying into Prague (Praha, Czech Republic) I didnt know what to expect. I arrived at the airport and was unaware that I needed to exchange my euro for crown. Just as I was starting to wrap my head around the euro. {Ba-humbug} For every 1 euro the conversation to crown Czech is 27.37 and for every 1 dollar (for all you who are wondering back home) the conversion is 20.12 crown Czech. I thought I was rich taking 2,000 crowns out of the ATM. I learned quickly that my average meal cost me around 200 crowns and a good souvenir runs 450 crowns. 2,000 crowns go down the drain pretty darn quick.  


Any who - the show must go on!

My traveling companions decided to stay in a hostel that weekend. I guess I had no choice, as I was out numbered. I didnt want to be the only one staying at the Embassy Suites {Giggles - a joke kind of}

My first REAL hostel stay and to my surprise it wasnt what I expected. It was situated in a great area, clean, homey, and the staff was phenomenal!
The fully equipped kitchen was a shared space. We were free to cook and store things bought in the fridge and cabinets. Oh and the staff cooked  free dinner for their guest every night.

They staff was extremely friendly. They have a list of activities posted every night of the week for their guest to enjoy. They also come along with you for a night on the town.
The ladies and I stayed in a mixed 10-person room. We occupied six beds - leaving four beds to individuals we didnt know (male and female).
I was grateful for individual lockers that we were able use. I brought my own personal lock to use just for that.  
And for our convenience we were able to check in to our departure flight with a small computer area. The hostel provided us with free Wi-Fi throughout the entire hostel, which was an added bonus. They won brownie points from me, Ill say.

The shower area was quite interesting, but satisfying. Of course, that too was shared between male and female. I actually took note because I witnessed the staff several times a day come clean the area including mopping. That small detail is important because in a hostel stay there are several people using the same showers BAREFOOT! Even though I witnessed the mopping, I still wore my handy dandy, old navy flip flops to shower. {Giggles} Those babies are a lifesaver.
However, I did feel comfortable enough to use the bathing area. 

We toured around the city all day and got a nice feel for Prague.

We also traveled (one hour bus ride) to the small town of TerezínTerezín is city that was assigned to ghettos and concentration camps during World War II. We visited museums and an actually concentration camp used during that time. I kind of didnt know how to feel at first, being right there in the history.
Terezín held primarily Jews from Czechoslovakia, as well as tens of thousands of Jews deported chiefly from Germany and Austria, as well as hundreds from the Netherlands and Denmark. More than 150,000 Jews were sent there, including 15,000 children.
When I first learned of the Holocaust in the 7th grade I felt such sympathy. But standing there on the soil put me at a lost for words. Mis chicas shared the same emotions as I.

After being stranded out in the cold in Terezín for an hour back to Prague we went.
I also got to experience my first fish pedicure in Prague.
These Garra rufa fish (Doctor fish) are originally from Turkey and have now integrated as a spa treatment. They feed on the dead skin of your feet {yuk, right?!?} We asked the worker if people also use them to bathe in  and she said in Turkey  yes! I couldnt imagine having fish sucking at my whole body. It was ticklish enough that were nibbling at me feet.
The city of Prague was historical, the food was magical, and the shopping was phenomenal. To see more pictures of my weekend trip in Praha visit my Facebook Page Voyage avec Antoinette. I didnt spend much time shopping as I would have liked to so I would love to visit for one day just for that sole reason. Until then

Keep dreaming, stay inspired and be blessed.


  1. Prauge is really one of my favorite places I have ever been! I am so jealous right now! Have a great time!

  2. some of my friends have travelled across Europe and said the hostels were all pretty decent :) i have never heard of a fish pedi before, but it looks cool.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  3. Great pictures. I'm going to Prague again this spring. What was the name of your hostel?
