Saturday, June 29, 2013

8 in 1


I’ve been worrying my pretty little head off about packing for Spain. I try to go through it over and over in my mind but find myself getting back to one question ... And that’s, 

> How the heck am I supposed to fit 8 months of clothing in 1 suitcase? <

I’m the girl who can’t even pack an overnight, weekend bag without over doing it. I mean, I like to have separate compartments for each category of items. Let’s see ... I've got to have main compartments for my clothes, and separate compartment for my undies. {Yeah, I said it!} Then I’ll pack my shoes {one for each outfit}, and next I’ll fit in my jewelry box. Now, when it comes to airlines policies, we all know that there is a limit of 50 pounds PER LUGGAGE.
My jewelry box probably weighs 7 pounds by itself. {Yikes!} How is that possible? 

Let me tell you a little something about me ... I’m the biggest girliest girly girl. {Wait, is that even a word, “girliest?”} Anyway, my make-up, 

hair tools and hair products need their own separate bag. I normally pack these items in my small carry-on tote. I won’t even go in detail about what those products entail ... it’s pretty serious! {Giggles} But I do need to keep those items separate. Last but definitely NOT least, are my electronics. 

As you can see they might take up a lot of space, but I won’t leave town without them. Everyone has their necessities and this just happens to be mine. Well, in my head ALL of these items mentioned are my necessities and they ALL need to be packed.  So I go back to my main question ...

> How the heck am I supposed to fit 8 months of necessities in 1 suitcase? <

To be determine ... 


  1. oh wow! that really sounds as pretty big deal, lady! well, good luck to you!
    p.s. I just love the way your blog turned out! Looks super! :)

    1. Thanks to YOU love, my blog is AMAZING! I can't keep thanking you enough for your template, help and technical support,
      :-) I would love for you to be the first button swap for me. Let me know what you think.
