Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tasteful Tuesday

¿Qué pasa mis chios y chicas?

I hope you all are having a wonderful day. Today Im going to share my first Tasteful Tuesday. This segment of my blog will be catered to the hungry, wondering souls.  Itll be about the delightful foods I am stuffing my face with. Although, I havent come across anything yet to write home about I am still going to share. And hopefully in the very near future I can share something worth wild. Vale?!?

 Today I was fortunate enough to visit a quick eatery called La Taquara Arperia. Its located in a very busy side of town with tons of shops. My friend Elsa thought I should get a taste of her culture and try some Venezuelan delights. The atmosphere was great and the air filled with Spanish music that made you want to salsa all over the place. {Giggles} Yeah, I danced a couple of moves or two. 

Im a sucker for REAL Italian pizza. I had to ride the metro 30 minutes just witness this wonderful pizzeria in Badalona, Spain. Right by the beach where the seagulls werent afraid to walk right up to you. It was a three-course meal ordeal. Our first course was THE BEST spaghetti cabonara Ive ever tasted. It was enough to feed two, so a buddy and I shared. Right after they brought out the pizza. As you can see it was pretty big and plenty to take home. For desert we chose a strawberry yogurt, which I didnt get a chance to eat. After eating the pizza, my stomach was stuffed to the rim. The meal was fabuloso

I was also able to make it to the supermarket for the first time since living in Spain. It is quite different, but interesting. As you know, I do not speak Español so most of the things worded on each items is like what is that?!? The milk { la leche} is definitely different than the States. Its not kept in an refrigerated area and the expiration date is set two months out. HOW CRAZY IS THAT? Oh! They also keep the shampoo and conditioner in separate places/aisles. {I thought that was interesting}. 

Vale! Last but definitely not least sushi for all my sushi lovers. So before I left the States my co-workers got me hooked on sushi. I wouldnt DARE eat the raw sushi, though. {So I thought} I would stick to the shrimp tempura, crunchy crab, California rolls, or anything fried. {YEAH I SAID IT!} Last Friday, my friend Elsa and I decided to celebrate our first week here in Barca by treating one another to sushi. Let me tell you, this was an amazing sushi night. You want to know the crazy part? The sushi I ate was RAW!!!! I told myself I would try it at least once. I did. AND LOVED IT! We washed it down with some great wine and then walked the town. EPIC indeed! 

Well, folks Thats all for today. I do appreciate the read and support. Until next time stay blessed.

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