Saturday, September 7, 2013

Awkward! Uncomfortable! Intimidating!


It has almost been a full week since my arrival here in Barcelona. As I promised in my Who she is section of this blog, I will share with you my exciting elements of living over seas BUT also my out of comfort points as well. And when I say out of comfort I do mean OUT OF COMFORT.

¡Vale! [vahlay] Okay!

Before coming to Barca, I made a decision to stay with a host family my first semester. I wanted to throw myself into the culture and language. Even though I do not speak Español, I thought that because Barcelona is such a tourist city I would do bastante bien. NOT! I cant understand a word my host mom is saying. Why? Well, she doesnt speak English. Have you ever been in a long cab ride after meeting someone for the first time and you want to talk with them, get to know them and have great conversation with them but they are looking at you confused while youre talking and youre looking at them confused while their talking and you see the cab driver in the rearview just looking? {EXHALE} Its socially awkward, extremely uncomfortable and slightly intimidating!

As I sat in the backseat of the cab alongside my host madre, I could feel the shaky lump growing inside my throat. Are you serious, Antoinette? I thought to myself. Keep that pretty, pearly, white smile on your face and DONT YOU CRY! So I did just that. I kept that pretty smile on too. Until I laid my head on my pillow that night  I allowed my tears to fall.

Its also challenging when the only friends you have are natives speakers to the language. I have moments when we meet locals or friends and all you hear is Español. Its socially awkward, extremely uncomfortable, and slightly intimidating. It doesnt feel too good feeling left out. I try my absolute hardest to be a good sport. I really do! So I put on a good face but when its all said and done I come home at night and cry.

Anyone who has the honor of meeting me knows that I am a happy soul. Im quirky, goofy, fun and I keep a smile on my face. Its weird not feeling like your self. Im not UN-happy, Im just not happy. Is there such a thing?

Fortunately for me, I am one week shy of eight months to go. {Giggles} Thats a lot of time for things to turn my frown upside down. My classes start on Monday and hopefully it will give me a new look on things. After all, Im in BARCELONA! Where the city is beautiful and alive. I refuse to let this socially awkward, extremely uncomfortable, slightly intimidating feeling control me. Tomorrow is a new week and it will look up from here. {IT IS SO!}

Uncomfortable Soul


  1. The first few days are always the toughest, but I'm sure once your classes start you'll get the hang of it and will begin to feel more comfortable and like yourself again. Just hang in there!

    1. Yali,

      I'm going to hang in here. I know it can't feel like this the whole time. I believe it will get better.

      Thank you!

  2. I remember Shoshana talking about being in Germany and not knowing the language. She was really frustrated with it. Hang in there, it does get better with time. This is an adventure you will treasure for your life. Dave would be so proud of you!

  3. Hang in there cousin! You got this international gal! <3
