Friday, September 20, 2013

La Sagrada Família

 ¡Hola! ¿Qué Tal?

I know its been a little over a week since my last post and I really do apologize. J
I am still trying to get the hang of living my expat life. But I come bearing gifts just for YOU! Thats right - I have pictures.

I will let it speak for itself

For those of you who have NO CLUE what La Sagrada Família is, well shame on you. {Giggles I only kid} But seriously, this is the most visited monument (church) in the world, let alone Barcelona. The late, great architect Antoni Gaudí began building this masterpiece in 1883 and get this ITS STILL NOT FINISHED. 

The detail of this architecture was so intriguing to me. I didnt have time to actually go inside, but hopefully I will be able to witness that too.

As you can see La Sagrada Família has so much meaning to it. Its amazing to me that every bit of funding that goes into building this church is from donations alone. Its not just a piece of architecture built by just an architect. Anton Gaudí had a vision and a dream and it is still coming to past after his death. - Selah


  1. I'm going to Barcelona in 3 weeks, this is definitely on my list of places to see!

  2. Hola Melissa!

    Barcelona is a beautiful place. I am adjusting but getting the hang of things very quickly. (Excluding the language) We can definitely hook up when you come. I'll shoot you an email soon.

    and thanks for stoping by my blog.
