Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Shaping Up and Shipping Out

Nineteen days and counting and Im finally packing up my place of abode. Its been a great two years in my very first apartment and it saddens me a bit to leave behind my lovely escape to solitude. BUT the show must go on!
My mother was gracious enough to come in town for the weekend and help her baby girl with all of my moving. We decided to get a start on packing and moving before my official move-out at the end of the month. 
My place has never looked so discombobulated so it feels quite weird. 

I even had to pack up my weave stash! {Whhhaaaaattt did she just say weave stash?!?} Yes, and I take pride in my hair thank you very much. I always get remarks on the amounts of time and dollars I spend on hair alone BUT I like to think of it as an investment. {Giggles}

Ive also gotten rid of most of my jewelry that was sitting around collecting dust. 
The more I do to prepare myself for my leave the more real my dream is becoming. 

 Like  in less than 19 days I will be leaving the country. The home I know so well to a country where I dont even speak the language. AND to make things more crazy, Im going ALONE! Oh the possibilities. 

What do you guys think of my progress thus far? Any tips or comments for me. I'd love to hear them. In the meantime, stay blessed!


  1. Moving is always such a hassle! Good luck with everything :)

  2. Hey there lady! I just wanted to say thanks for the comment on my guest post: Stay connected with these must have apps :o) I have to check out the camera+ app myself! Hope you have a fantastic week!

