Thursday, August 8, 2013

Official Countdown

The time has come to start the official countdown. In just 23 days and 19 hours I will be boarding my international flight and leaving for {drumroll please} BARCELONA, SPAIN! Its becoming real real fast. There are so many emotions that Im feeling right now but the one that sticks the most are ...

Not the bad kind of butterflies one gets when they are too nervous but the good kind of butterflies that one gets when ones dreams and reality is realer than EVER imagined. Its finally here and Im excited to open this new chapter of my life.

On another note: I am giving my viewers the exclusive on my new-do. Yes! YOU HEARD and SEEN IT FIRST {giggles} I am now a brunette. Yaaaayyy!

Sewn, Cut, Colored, Styled by Yours Truly 

I wanted to try something new and fresh. What cha think? Let me know!

In the meantime, in between time stay blessed! 

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