Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pause for the Cause

WOW! I feel like there is much to do and not enough time to do it. BUT then again I feel like all of my ducks are in a row and I can hop on the plane tomorrow. I leave for Spain in just seven (7) days. {Lets take a pause for the cause}

Phew! Now that Ive gotten that out my system we can continue. {Giggles} This last week I have been on the move. Packing, shopping, repacking and then worrying if Im going to fit all of my shopping antics in my suitcase. I was told that I should pack ALL of the things I plan on taking then cut ALL of that in half. WHHHHHAAAAATTT?!?!? Uh, yeah! That creates a bit of a problem for me.

So, this final week I plan on pulling out the big guns. Yep, thats right! Mommy Dearest will be visiting and getting me squared away. She has the tendency to get a lot more done than I. I wonder why that is? 

One thing I did manage to do this past week was launch my new Facebook Page. Please feel free to like, share, and enjoy!

Also, I want to give a special thanks to my fabulous, fellow bloggers - Erica, Belinda, and Elena. They have very kindly welcomed me to the blog-o-sphere and have shown me love through their FAB-U-LOUS blogs. Thanks ladies! 

Welp, its back to packing I go. In the meantime stay blessed! 

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