Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The French Fixation

Bonjour mes amis! Comment allez-vous?

Yes, Ive switched it up to French for a second. Ive been called a band wagoner a time or two and I know Im in Spain but hence the name Voyage avec Antoinette. <- Clearly, its French. J Why am I in Spain? Honestly, I believe Español plays an important role in todays medical field and it would complement my studies. BUT it doesnt take away from the fact Im fixated with the French culture, language and now the country. 

Ive studied French two years in high school and continued it at my university. My obsession started when I was in elementary school. My older brother came home from a trip to Quebec, Canada with his French class and learning it has been a dream since. I guess I can thank my older bubby, Darrell. {Giggles}

My first Parisian experience was awesome! Paris was my number one place to visit and I can gladly say that I loved it! I honestly kept saying to myself, Im in Paris! Wont HE do it!? Oh, along with my happy dance that Ive created. Its quite cute, actually. I was so happy, I filled my iPhone with tons of selfies to show my emotions.

It was EXTREMELY cold over the weekend in Paris and I was a bit unprepared. But it doesnt mean that I didnt have a good time. It seems that this is the holiday season as the French were preparing their selves for Christmas. I got to witness Paris at its best with the famous Christmas Market. It was spectacular! The larges market in Paris running from Champs-Elysée roundabout all the way to the Place de la Concorde.
It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. J You wanted it; they had it from hot porridge to hot red wine. French onion soup and THE BEST sausage dog in the world!
Honestly, everything was so beautiful. I am still in awe of what the city puts together. 
There were a variety of nick-nacks to purchase for your family, friends and loved ones. I will post more pictures on my Facebook Page for you all to see.

If you ever want a nice holiday away for Christmas, the city of love is definitely the place to be. In the meantime stay tuned for my Eiffel Tower fixation, my visit to the original Mona Lisa at The Louvre AND the castle of Marie Antoinette in Versailles.

Keep dreaming, stay inspired, and be blessed.

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