Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Great Art Collection of Paris

While in Paris, I had the privilege to visit one of the best, biggest, and most historic art museums in the world.
Musée du Louvre or The Louvre Museum houses over 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 21st century and has more than 8 millions visitors each year. It is located in the Louvre Palace (Palais du Louvre), which was built in the late 12th century. In the year of 1982, King Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles for his household leaving the Louvre Palace primarily as a place to display the royal collection.
If youre ever in Paris, I highly recommend you visiting this museum. I was at lost for words at how AMAZING the art collection was. Ive always been a small fan of painting, sculptures and such, so visiting the Louvre grew my interest. Im just going to take a moment and show you some of my favorite pieces from the collection.
The Three Graces I was drawn to the representation of this sculpture. Beauty, charm and joy!
I also found out that I have a thing for ceilings.
Ah! The Mona Lisa. The original! There was a lot of talk around me that the painting wasnt as big as they thought it should be, but I could still appreciate it. It is so popular that it had a bulletproof case protecting it.  
 Yep! We were chilling! {Giggles}

Next up We have the Palace of Versailles.
Honestly, I couldnt believe I was standing in front of this palace. I have watched the movie Marie Antoinette over and over and loved everything about this palace. I was right there where they shot the movie. Wait better yet, I was right there where the actual royal family  Queen Marie Antoinette lived herself.

Introducing myself when I was younger, I would always wonder why people would say, Oh, like Marie Antoinette. As I grew older and became educated on history, I also became to understand and appreciate.

The Palace ofVersailles is a royal chateau that was built in Versailless country village but today it is known as a wealthy suburb of Paris. The court of Versailles was the center of political power in France when Louis XIV moved from Paris.

One of my favorites - The Hall of Mirrors houses over five hundred mirrors.
The Hall of Mirrors represents the society of the royal court, in which seeing and being seen were crucial. In the Hall of Mirrors, every movement, every nod, every glance was reflected hundreds of times.  The dazzle was amazing, but the stakes were high: one stumble, one awkward step, would be magnified for all to see.

The Queens Chambers is apart of the Queens grand apartments inside the palace. I was standing in the room where Marie Antoinette slept, often joined by the king, and where nineteen children of France were birthed here.

In the following images, you will see the Gardens of Versailles aka the back yard. The Gardens cover some 800 hectares (1,976 acres) of land.

How awsome right?

It has definitely been an amazing weekend in Paris. I’m glad to say that my first visit to the “City of Love” was amazing. Will I visit again? YOU GOT IT! – Planning on a New Years Eve visit.

In the meantime stay tuned for my weekend in Prague, Czech Republic. Such a magical city! 
Keep dreaming, stay inspired, and be blessed.


  1. I love your post about Paris. The pics are very beautiful. I lived there for a couple of months and I think Paris is the moste beautfiul city in the world.
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  2. Munixstyle,

    Thank you so very much for stopping by. I will be sure to check out your blog.

    Best Wishes,
