Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tasteful Tuesday

I have been in food heaven the past week. Still, I am not into the whole Spanish food here, but I love other kinds of cultures around.

For starters, I have an hour break in between classes on Tuesdays and Thursday. There is a small café right across from my school so I sha-shay myself on over there. Ive tried a couple things but there is only one thing that keeps me coming back for more. Its the baked nachos. And BOY are they delicious!

Its topped with the obvious  cheese, jalapeños, tomatoes and guacamole. And get this, I dont even like guacamole yet the combination is superb.

Próximo  the kebab wrap. OMG! Mi barrio {neighborhood} is very big and Im not too keen on walking around there alone. That being the reason why Im not sure of what tasty goodness is around. Ive come across this joint walking to the metro. Its called Döner Kebab and its right across the street from my flat. I can get myself in a lot of trouble being able to walk right across the street to this place. SMH. It might be well worth it.
You have the option to choose chicken or beef in your wrap. You can also stuff it with lettuce, tomatoes, corn, peppers, onions, cole slaw, plus more. They make their own sauce, spicy or mild, which I think makes the wrap taste even better.   

Ive also been getting my sushi fix once a week. But Im not going to bore you with that. Its time for the good part.

A friend of mine introduced me to a Dominican restaurant here in Barcelona. Because she is from the DR she wanted me to experience her side of the tracks. I must say it was a great experience to date. The best meal Ive had since I stepped foot in Spain.
They started us off with an appetizing soup called Sancocho. It tasted of a bean base, but being that I hate beans Im glad it wasnt. The hot soup was perfect for the calm before the storm. {Giggles} I found that the little wooden spoon was too small for my mouth and I wanted to take the whole cup and sip from it  BUT I wanted to be civilized - haha!

Here comes the meal 
 The bowl of bean soup {not my cup of tea} is meant to pore on top of the white rice. Since Im not too fond of beans I used it as dipping sauce for my Fritas. The sauce it self was pretty good.
The pork above was fall off the bone tasty and went great with the rice.
Now what you see in this image above is called Fritas or Tostones. Fritas are my newfound love. For those who have no clue what these are, its basically the green plantains fried and pressed with a sprinkle of salt. PERFECTO! 

Mi amiga ordered mofongo con camarones.
Mofongo is a fried plantain-based dish originally derived from Puerto Rico and its said to be a borrowed dish by the Dominican Republic. Its typicall made from fried green plantains mashed together with garlic, broth, olive oil, pork and or bacon. Her dish was stuffed with seafood with the tomato coconut sauce around it accompanied by prawns.

My friend and I cut our meals in half and shared it with each other. AMAZING and fulfilling! I loved this place so much, I took some other gals there four days later. We had a ball! The place wasnt busy, giving us room to laugh out loud, cheers with Sangrias and have a great night. The chef even brought us out dessert on the house.
As you guys can see, I have been stuffing my face with wonderful delectables. Ive found my favorites and I just hope I dont abuse them. Ha I dont want to go back to the states with a 30-pound souvenir  my belly and more thighs. 

Im on the hunt for my next favorites. Until next time mis amigos - keep dreaming, stay inspired and be blessed!


  1. And now I'm sad because I want a burrito but I'm too lazy to leave the house :)

  2. Tranae, :-) It was truly the BEST burrito of my life! {Giggles}
