Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Latched On Jetlag

Hola Mi Amigos!

I have finally arrived in Barca unpacked, and settled. Yaay for me right!?!

The past three days have been extremely busy trying to get acclimated with the city, culture, food and people. Of course my first day in Barca was muy exciting. AND of course I was jet lagged quite a bit. I had not been to sleep in over 24 hours because of the time change and boy was I exhausted.

It seems that I am still a bit jet lagged after 3 days{giggles}. Having to wake up by 8 oclock is a bit of a challenge and I find myself nodding off in orientation meetings. {YIKES!} Im sure after my first week my body will accept the change and embrace it. After all, I will be here for eight months. J

Im going to satisfy your voyage hunger by leaving you with a few pictures of the city. I have an early morning and going to catch a few extra Zs.

In the meantime stay blessed and enjoy!  

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