Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Something for the People - Halfway Point

Wow! It took me fifteen days to get out of my slump and say Hello to my faithful readers. Please forgive my tardiness. Finals (for classes) come around every semester and it would help if I could get use to them by now. One day One day!

Besos to you!
Pues A lot has come and gone in those fifteen days.

For starters, I have finished with this semester's course load. {Blows horn and wipes forehead} Thankful to be here in Spain to study, but finials can be rough. Also, ALL of mis amigas that I've met this semester through my program have left. Thats right, they have returned to their lives back in the States while I remain here. Even my two best chicas that I clicked with the most. Now, whom am I going to eat sushi with? Who am I going to go the movies with to watch new releases eat popcorn and drink coke with? Who am I going to explore with, ahora? This thought has put me in a bit of a sad mood so on that note next subject.

I am excited to say that I have two new cities to cross off my list. Lisbon and London. I visited Lisbon, Portugal the first weekend in December and had an absolutely amazing time. I met up with six other ladies (all from different countries the UK, France, Italy, Germany) and we rented a beautiful apartment. Stay tuned for my blog post on Ladies in Lisbon. This past weekend I had the opportunity to have a four-day vaca in London. Unfortunately, due to sickness, I was not able to enjoy the city as much as Id hoped. But I will also post my experience on that soon as well.
Ahora I have very exciting visitors flying in tomorrow morning. My mother and family friend have decided to spend the Christmas holiday with me. How sweet, right? I rented a two-bedroom apartment for the month of December to accommodate them. Although I want to show them around Barcelona, we will only be in town five days out of the eleven of their visit. We are flying to Madrid this weekend and then flying to Rome a day after our return. There, we will be spending our Christmas. How awesome is that? When in Rome {Giggles}

I guess I better continue preparing for my guest. Have to wake early to greet them at the airport. Thank you for reading.

Keep dreaming, stay inspired, and be blessed.

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