Monday, January 20, 2014

Christmas in Rome

Hola mis amigos. ¿Cómo está todo? Espero maravilloso!

Im going to take it back to Christmas. I know its a bit late, but its better to be late then never at all. Si?!

Asi I spent Christmas in Rome with my special guest. Thats right! My mother and a - muy buen amiga de la familia - came to visit me for the holidays.

The time spent was fabuloso! I showed them around Barcelona, and shopped. We flew to Madrid and shopped then back to Barcelona and shopped. Shortly after, we went to Rome and guess what? SHOPPED! Of course we did what most tourist do eat and sight see. And I found that the food was most delicious. Pero, I was on the hunt for a nice pair of black, leather, riding boots that actually fit. NEVER FOUND THEM. It seems that Europe is not fond of women with big feet. {Dont judge}

I can say that the monuments were beautiful. Take a look for yourself

Because our apartment was located in central Rome, I had the pleasure of walking past this water fountain everyday. 

Oh, and our apartment was PERFECTO! We decided to rent out a two bedroom flat versus staying in a hotel. Kept the price down for one, but we wanted to be able to utilize the massive kitchen for a Christmas dinner - Which we never used. {Giggles}

The living and dining area were a pretty good side too. Very comfortable.

As you can see the bedroom décor is nothing to write home about PERO the comfort level of this bed was. I slept better than a baby!
Qué mas?!?

The Colosseum also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre is the largest amphitheatre of the. It is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering and is the largest amphitheatre in the world. AND I WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF IT!
I got to see the Trevi Fountain
as well as the Vatican where the Pope holds Mass.

We didn’t quite get inside for the Mass, Christmas Eve. It turns out that you had to purchase tickets month(S) in advance. {YIKES} They did have an area with chairs and a couple big screen monitors to watch from outside. We sat for about an hour and realized that it was MUCH to cold, so we ended up leaving before the Mass started.

All in all my holiday season was LOVELY! I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas. Hope you all can say the same.
From my family to yours, HAPPY NEW YEAR …
Keep dreaming, stay inspired and be blessed.